who we are
Rural Access and Agricultural Marketing Project. It is a third-generation rural access project. It aims to strengthen the institutional and financing base for sustainable management of state and rural network. Adequate precautions will be taken to mitigate the planning and implementation risks of all activities.

Our Objectives
Improve rural access and agricultural marketing in states where the project is being implemented.
Establish financing and institutional frameworks that will ensure sustained maintenance and management of the rural road network in the beneficiary State.

Our mission
rapid sustainable development to the rural areas through the application of internationally benchmarked Project Management best practices in the delivery of Public sector projects.

Our Vision
To be the Gold Standard in the delivery of Public Sector Projects.

Our mission
rapid sustainable development to the rural areas through the application of internationally benchmarked Project Management best practices in the delivery of Public sector projects.
3 Components of RAAMP
Component A: Improvement of Rural Access and Trading Infrastructure.
- Physical improvement of Rural Access Infrastructure: rural roads (approx. 1,625km total; approx. 125km per state) and bridges/culverts of generally up to 15m clear span (approx. 1,040m; approx. 80mm per state);
- Physical improvement of Agro‐logistics Centers (approx. 65; approx. five number per state);
- Consultancy and supervision support for the planning, design, implementation and supervision of rural transport infrastructure and agro‐logistics centers
Component B: Sector Reform, Asset Management and Agro‐ logistics Performance Enhancement :
- Maintenance and spot improvement of rural roads:
- Implementation of activities to enhance agro logistics performance:
- Consultancies, studies, and supervision support
Component C: Institutional Development, Project Management and Risk Mitigation
- Goods purchase and supporting logistics and operating costs.
- Training and study tours.
- Technical Assistance (TA).
- Support activities linked to risk mitigation and resiliency
RAAMP is funded through contributions from the Federal Government of Nigeria through the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (FMARD). The project is being supported by the International Development Association [ IDA], a subsidiary of the World Bank, and the L’Agence Francaise de Development [French Development Agency or AFD] in the form of loans.